Thursday, February 4, 2010

Something To Think About

My iPhone and I are still very much in the honeymoon phase. I received mine a little over a month ago as a Christmas present, and ever since I haven't been able to bear to take my eyes off of it for more than eight hours of the day, tops. I sleep, big spoon, with my iPhone in my arms.

One of my new hobbies is to watch people's wireless networks pop up on my screen as I drive around LA. Sounds boring, but as somebody with strong stalker tendencies, it serves as a satisfactory form of amusement whilst in traffic.

What a person chooses to name his or her wireless networks says a lot about that individual. "Go Fuck Yourself" is somebody who really hates network squatters. He has lot of online gaming to do and is constantly downloading gigs of pirated anime. You want to try and slow down his network? Go fuck yourself! Then there's "Same Ol G," a 30-something Caucasian UCSB graduate who works in marketing. There is, and never was anything "g" about this guy. "Ali luvs Matt" belongs to Ali, who will probably be single before Valentines Day when Matt, her boyfriend of three months uses his new iPhone at her place and decides she's a liability.

This got me thinking. I personally never change my network name from the standard "Netgear" or "Belkin45" but you might be different. I'm sure you don't mind if people catch a glimpse of your network name when driving around outside, they are strangers after all and will never know who you are. But be at least slightly cautious. I want to know what the person named his/her network "marystwat" was thinking. First I guess I hope this isn't a religious reference. But Mary, wherever you are, unless you have several neighbors named Mary, everybody in the building thinks about your, ahem, several times a day and thinks you're a slag. Is it really all that?

I washed my car yesterday, just in time for the rain. Of course.

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